PTS documentary “Happy Together 2 – Elderly Living” : Is “elderly living alone” always a negative  social issue that needs to be solved ?

PTS documentary “Happy Together 2 – Elderly Living” : Is “elderly living alone” always a negative  social issue that needs to be solved ?

The daughter, who was dependent on her, passed away due to illness when Chen Jie was 60 years old, leaving her to start a “solitary elderly life”. However, the landlord suddenly notified her to take back the house and asked her to move out as soon as possible. Taking over her daughter’s internet business was not easy either.

From Crematorium to Funeral Home, Big Brother retrieves a relative’s remains and can’t help but cry, knowing it would hurt if tears fell on them.

From Crematorium to Funeral Home, Big Brother retrieves a relative’s remains and can’t help but cry, knowing it would hurt if tears fell on them.

“Big Brother,” a writer known for sharing stories about the funeral industry and the supernatural, gained fame with his work “Hello, I Am a Mortician.” He recently released a new book titled “Filial Piety,” in which he shares his experiences as a funeral professional who frequently handles corpses and works at death scenes. The book also explores how his role and mindset changed when he finally encountered the death of someone he knew or a family member.

Solitary enjoyment of the elderly during Chinese New Year dinner: “Don’t overthink” when facing changes

Solitary enjoyment of the elderly during Chinese New Year dinner: “Don’t overthink” when facing changes

Mrs. Haiyun, an elderly single woman, considers “roasted gluten” to be the most representative dish of the New Year’s Eve dinner, which is also a classic dish from her hometown Shanghai. She enjoys her time at home alone, but also goes out and interacts with others quickly. “Every family has its own difficulties,” she said, and the secret to a happy life as an elderly single person is “not to think too much”.

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